Saturday, August 27, 2005

Mommy and Aminah

I think this was our first morning together. She was wearing a little bonnet that made her look like a little Amish girl. Very cute though. I looked still pretty perky at that point. She was still pretty scared. She has perked up quite a bit since then. It really is an amazing transformation of what these babies have had to go through. Well I better go feed my daughter some lunch she is about to have a melt down.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! You are right -she is adorable.I'll be praying for you. You need to get better! I love seeing thte pictures. I know you've been sick, but is Aminah healthy? Any prayer requests? Hope you're loving every moment, Mommy. (What a sweet word). Love, Julie

Evertse Family said...

Are my eyes deceiving me or do you look more Chinese?!? She is just so cute!!! I do hope that you are feeling better!! Love ya, Auntie Kim

Away2me said...

Wonderful! I'm so excited to see photos and get an update. Congratulations mommy!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it the most amazing feeling in the world being with your daughter? You look like you've been her mommy for the past 13 months! She is absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Dear Karri,
It is notable that your daughter seems even cuter than the first pictures we saw when we met for translation at the Barnes and Noble. It is interesting that not only is her life been changed, but also you are transformed. Take advantage of being in the Middle Kingdon. Try to soak up the sights, sounds, smells and sensations. Travelling is transcendent. Any opening for a Chinese godfather?

Best wishes,
Yue San
Yue Tai
(otherwise known as Sing and Jeanette)