Saturday, June 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

Aminah and Mommy had a great Christmas! Aminah woke up to another "tree" in her living room but wasn't as shocked as she was the previous year. She didn't have any problems keeping her hands off the ornaments. I didn't put very many presents under the tree until about December 20th because I thought it might be too tempting. We spent Christmas morning with our friends here in Bakersfield (Aunt Pat, Uncle Brownie, Nana Nancy, Mr. David, the Tolberts, and of course Terri) and Christmas afternoon was spent with the Gividen's and Jamesons in Tehachapi. Aminah was just a "little" spoiled at Aunt Pat's house. Everyone went overboard. There were so many gifts for her from them that I ended up taking most of the gifts I bought her home (still wrapped). I took them out a little at a time and some are still wrapped 6 months later. Santa was very nice and gave Aminah a kitchen for Christmas. It fits perfectly in Mommy's kitchen so that she can "cook" while Mommy is also cooking.
I also have to tell a funny story from November. We had a couple of foggy days here in Bakersfield and one Sunday when we were leaving for church it was very foggy and I was showing Aminah the fog. We could barely see our neighbor John across the street. I was showing her the fog and she was saying, "oh yea, foggy." I wasn't sure if she understood what I was talking about. Two days later we were leaving for school and it was again foggy. She noticed right away and said, "It foggy." I of course was amazed that she could figure this out so quickly. So as we are driving along she is talking about the "fog" and then she said, "it foggy . . . ribbit, ribbit." So much for by brilliant teaching. She was probably wondering the whole time, "I don't see a stinkin' frog, but I'll play along just to humor the lady."