Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Apparently homework is frustrating for a 4-year-old. All she is being asked to do is write her name. It is something that she is not mastering. She can do most other things that are required of her, but this homework thing is beyond fun. When I told her that she needed to do her homework she grumbled and groaned. So we are sitting together and with each letter she isn't enjoying herself. She puts one hand on her head and said, "This is NOT happening!" I told her it was happening and that she needed to finish writing her name. "No TV or Computer until you finish writing your name." I tell her. Then she continues to moan and says, "It's not FAIR" with more dramatics than an accomplished actress. So that was Monday night. Tonight . . . more of the same. She keeps writing the letters wrong just so she can erase them. I told her that she has at least 17 more years of homework and she should get used to it. She just rolled her eyes at me. And thus it begins.