Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Morning 2008

Christmas was such a great day. When we woke up we came out to see what Santa brought. He filled our stockings and brought Aminah a doll house. We went to Aunt Pat and Uncle Brownie's house to open gifts there. They have a tradition of praying and thanking God before opening gifts. I asked if Aminah could pray first and then they could do their prayer. I figured Aminah would do her regular prayer that she always says at school, but no she decided to give her first heart felt prayer. It was like this, "Dear God, thank you for all these gifts, thank you for everything you do for us, for loving us, and for all our stuff." It brought tears to our eyes. She was so thankful for and I was so glad that I let her pray that morning. They decided that her prayer said it all, and we started opening our gifts. Nothing is as wonderful as the gift that God gave us with his Son. Of course I believe a close second is the gift He gave me when He let me be Aminah's mommy.