Friday, August 08, 2008

Olympics in China

Tonight Aminah and I watched the opening ceremonies of the olympics. I wasn't sure if Aminah would be interested or not. She is used to cartoons. I told her that I wanted to watch the olympics on TV because they were in China. She wasn't really interested at first (she was busy on the INTERNET - more on that later). She saw a group of people running and then it showed the Great Wall of China. She said, "They are all running to get them babies." She knows that when I went to China I saw the Great Wall and then got my baby. She made a connection.
So back to the fact that my 4 year old is on the INTERNET. I've taken her to a few websites that are designed for kids. PBS has a great site with all of her "friends" that she sees on TV. I usually will man the keyboard and mouse because she is young. I don't have a real mouse set up on my laptop so I thought it would be too difficult for her to use the touchpad. Well, I was wrong. Tonight I wanted to get some housework done and she wanted to play on the computer. I set her up on one easy PBS game that she wouldn't have to do much with the mouse and started getting things done. I came back and she was switching to other games and was able to use the touchpad! Children of the Digital Age.