I wanted to show off some of my painting (because maybe Aminah comes by it naturally). Aminah's bedroom is painted with a garden theme and the playroom has a scene on one of the walls. Aminah has a dream playroom (well as much of a dream as you can have in a 10 x 10 space. I love doing painting and if I ever move I will be sad to see the rooms repainted. Then again that would give me new "canvas" to work with at a new location. Actually a very good friend helped me with the playroom and gave me the confidence to do it on my own when it came to Aminah's room. What Aminah doesn't realize is that eventually she will have to share her rooms as well as her stuff, and most of all HER MOMMY!
About Me
- Aminah XiuPing
- Aminah was born in China but was brought home to America. Jesus now lives in her heart. She likes playing outside with Mommy. She also likes to play Go Fish and Pretty, Pretty Princess.
So this doesn't look like the artwork of a 3 1/2 year old. Aminah was working one day on her art easel and I hear her talking about whiskers, eyes, mouth, nose. When I went in to see what she was making I was amazed to see a cat that she painted. I know I'm just a proud parent, but you have to admit it is pretty good.
The teacher in me is very impressed with my daughter. There have been quite a few things lately that have come up in conversations with Aminah that make me realize she is understanding some of the second grade standards better than my students. I'm not sure if this makes me a great mom, or a terrible teacher but here goes.
Plurals - We are in the car talking about Dora and Boots (Dora's monkey) and Aminah informs me that we can't call him Boots because, "he is only one, so we have to call him Boot." Pretty impressive!
Synonmyms - Lulu (the dog) is outside and for some reason she is licking the ground. Aminah sees this and says, "Lulu stop licking the ground, that is yucky, it's 'gusting and gross. So stop licking the ground Lulu."
Nutrition - "Mommy when you eat and drink the food goes in your tummy and comes out in the potty as poop."
Synonyms - We are driving in the car and I'm talking to my friend on the cell phone. Aminah is in the backseat and I'm talking about her coat for some reason and Aminah says, "It isn't a coat, it's a jacket!" My friend tells me to tell her they are synonyms. So I tell her "They are synonyms. They mean the same thing, jacket and coat mean the same thing." She says, "uuuuhhh, you are giving me a headache."
So maybe I'm pushing too much.
Well Aminah had her first date with Luke. The day before Linsey and Aminah had a day together so yesterday was the day that Luke got his day with Aminah. His mother and I are always joking about Luke and Aminah getting married. Luke's older sister Amy was teasing Luke that he was going to kiss his "girlfriend" on New Year's Eve. Well in one of these pictures you can see what Luke thought of Aminah stealing a kiss. They really do like each other and aren't worried about how they look while eating fettucini.
I hope everyone has an Enchanted New Year! Aminah and I went with Aunt Libby and Linsey to see the movie Enchanted at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood. It was an adorable movie. Aminah wasn't as impressed as I was. I guess I should have previewed it before taking my 3 year old to it. Live and learn. At least it gave us some real bonding time, seeing as she wouldn't leave my lap and spent much of the movie with her head covered. Poor thing. Yes, she slept fine last night just in case you are wondering. So I don't recommend the movie for preschoolers but for those of us that are a little more mature it was so worth it. After the movie we went "backstage" to see the Disney Princesses. Aminah and Linsey were able to have their pictures taken with all the princesses. It was so much fun for them. I will post the slide show. Have a great New Year!