Saturday, September 30, 2006

Watching Video

I love seeing this picture. I finally let Aminah see her "Gotcha Day" video. Although she doesn't quite understand it she does know that the video shows "Mama" and "baby Aminah." She hears other babies crying in the video and tries to tell them to "shhh" and tells me they need to go "nite-nite." So what if this picture shows her with a little spaghetti sauce on her face, I still love this picture. She looks so happy watching the moment we became a family.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Aminah and I went to a Laua for the homestudy agency that I went through for Aminah's adoption and post-adoption paperwork. We met up with another family that was with us in China. Aminah and Emma were able to play together and it was so nice to see these happy girls. They have been home over a year and lets just say, "what a difference a year makes." God has blessed our families. Emma just found out that she is going to be a big sister. Her little sister will be coming home from Columbia next month.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Aminah and I hosted a get-together with some friends. We had two other families that had also adopted from China as well as two families that are planning on adopting from China. One of these families had already sent their dossier to China and the other family decided that evening to sign up with America World as their adoption agency. Thank you God for Aminah, and for these precious children that have become such an important part of our lives.