Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Aminah's Bike

For Aminah's birthday we ended up getting Aminah a tricycle. I had planned on getting just a normal trike that I had seen or even finding one at the second hand store but our friends had other ideas. I had told a few people that I wanted to get her a tricycle and people gave her gift certificates so that we could get a really cool "bike." I asked one friend, Keli if she knew what she was getting yet and I have her an idea for the helmet and she bought an adorable helment, basket, and the handlebar streamers. As soon as she saw the tricycle in the driveway with the helmet in the basket she wanted her "hat" on so she could ride her "bike." I took her to have her picture taken and she did not want to have her picture taken until I went out to the car and got the "bike" and we were finally able to get a cute smile. Yes she is spoiled but she is worth it. My job is to make sure that she doesn't act spoiled.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Aminah's Birthday Party

We had Aminah's 2nd Birthday Party a little early because we will be in Colorado visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and nieces on her actual birthday. It was obviously a ladybug theme. We had about 30 friends and family here at the house. It was a lot of fun. Aminah has been really blessed to have so many people that love her. She enjoyed playing with her friends and of course eating her cupcake that Mommy made.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

America the Beautiful

It looks like Aminah is singing "America the Beautiful" in this picture on the 4th of July. Actually she has decided that she HATES having her picture taken and she is telling me, "NO!" Of course I didn't listen and I ended up taking many pictures but this was the only one that turned out half way decent.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Our China Toddlers

The first picture shows our friend Linsey in the front of the wagon, Aminah in the middle, and Linsey's brother Luke pulling the wagon. I thought it was neat because Linsey came home from China first then Aminah, and finally Luke and that is how they are shown in the picture. The second picture shows Aminah and Luke playing in the sandbox. These little toddlers have a lot of fun when they get together.